A Way With The Fairies
The Lost Story of Sculptor Ola Cohn

An Autobiography Edited by Barbara Lemon


Ola Cohn was a pioneer of modernist sculpture in Australia and her Fairies’ Tree in Melbourne’s Fitzroy Gardens has delighted generation of children.

“A Way With The Fairies” brings Ola’s extraordinary story back to life: from the Bendigo School of Mines to London’s Royal College of Art, from the banks of the Rhine to the caves of Penzance, from the chaos of Ola’s East Melbourne studio to the quiet of the Fitzroy Gardens, where she lovingly carved her fairy characters for the children of Melbourne.

About The Author

Barbara Lemon is an historian with an interest in biography and oral history. She was awarded a Creative Fellowship at the State Library in 2010 to transcribe and edit Ola Cohn’s original unpublished autobiographical manuscript, now published in this book.

Subject: Autobiography
ISBN:      9780987305220
Cover:     Hard cover
Pages:     132 including 52 photographs
Size:        195 X 252mm

Australia Only - Book cost $15.00
plus handling and postage $9.20, Total Cost $

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Victorian Community History Awards 2014

 COMMENDATION - Historical Interpretation Award.

 The 2014 Victorian Community History Awards are proudly presented by Public Records Office Victoria and the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.