Cooks' Cottage Garden
To complement the cottage, an authentic mid
18th century Yorkshire cottage garden has been recreated, resulting largely from the
research work done by Carrick Chambers, Professor of Botany of Melbourne University, while
working at the British Museum during 1977. The garden and the renovated interior of the
cottage were re-opened on the anniversary of Captain Cook's birth by the Governor-General,
Sir Zelman Cowan, on October the 27th, 1978. The garden is comprised mostly of plants
native to Great Britain and Northern Europe as exotic varieties were rarely found in
country villages. Some of the roses are of very ancient pedigree, the White Rose of York having been planted in Greek and Roman times. The vegetable garden was an essential asset to such a cottage and the gooseberries included here were very popular for both eating and for display in local competitions. The "chamomile lawn" is composed of one of the oldest herbal plants of English and European gardens. "Chamomile teas" were taken medicinally for a great range of ailments. In Captain Cook's time a millrace formed the boundary of the garden, and this feature has been faithfully recreated.